Special K + blueberries + almond milk = 300 calories
very veggie soup + ab&j tortilla + 3 bites of Veggie Gratin + 5 wheat saltines = 500 calories
Grilled Veggies + sweet potato +chicken + black beans + lt. sour cream = 600 calories
Large Apple = 100 calories
Total Calories Eaten: 1500 calories
K, so I did not do the whole no white flour thing...its time for groceries and this was what needed to be eaten in my fridge. Tomorrow I am stocking up on fruits, veggies and chicken breasts.
and I also ended up NOT working out at all today :(
I slept bad and woke up with a headache so we skipped the heat and the park this morning and then I had planned on mowing the yard tonight and instead spent some quality time watching DVR'ed "So you think you can dance" with hubs and then played Wii tennis and old school Mario (with the cheats we can get to the last castle in like 15 minutes :))
It was great for my marriage but did nothing for my fat ass, well maybe in a round about way because if my marriage goes to shit and i end up divorced I will more than likely turn to Ben&Jerry as my number 1 therapists to get me through my pain.
PS. I am soo hungry and I know its a mind thing because I gave myself restrictions. I hate rules and restrictions! well anyway I am going to drink some sugar free lemonade and go read a trashy Daniel Steele novel in bed.
Where do you get the almond milk? Is it less calories than skim regular milk?