Ok so last week I was like F*** this I am going hard core.
Well we shall see. Since it was the end of the week when I tried I did not do so good but this week I am stocked up on fruits and veggies, oh ya and chicken.
For $61.19 I got:
organic whole milk
hormone ladened 1 % milk
organic vanilla yogurt
sliced cheddar cheese
wheat bread (last 3 are for hubs lunches)
2 Sara Lee "white wheat" buns
whole wheat egg noodles
3 bags of frozen chicken breasts (7.5 lbs)
6.5 lbs of hamburger meat on managers special
Organic canned peas
canned Lima beans
canned garbanzo beans
canned kidney beans
unsweetened applesauce
3 individual yogurts
I forgot and will go back and spend the rest of my money:
iceberg lettuce
plain yogurt
This weeks dinner plans include:
Chicken & steamed broccoli with pasta sauce (noodles for hubs and the kid)
Chicken noodle soup, crackers, apples
BBQ CHicken (possibly on the George Forman because well I am kinda of scared of my grill a this point), sweet potatoes, green beans
lettuce wraps that are trying to imitate PF Changs, fried brown rice for hubs&kid
Grilled honey mustard chicken, potatoes and spinach salad
chili, corn bread, and veggies
veggie lasagna - this officially will get eaten on Monday because I took it out of the freezer to eat for Sunday dinner and it was still to frozen. I am not going to hate myself for eating it and breaking my rules, like on day 1 of the week.
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