For breakfast I split a ab&j with Jackson. FYI he threw most of his to the imaginary animals on the walking trail. I ate all 230 calories of mine.
Lunch meant leftovers. I really was not as excited about this the second time around, prolly why I drowned it in ketchup. I am SUCH A CONDIMENT GIRL. = 700 calories
This was instead of Subway... it rocked! Homemade pesto made with basil from my garden, tomato, mozzarella and chicken pannini with an apple = 700ish calories, i compared this to several fast food panninis. Mine had 2 tb of pesto, an ounce of chicken cubes and 1/4 cup mozzarella.
My first "pictured" piece of cake! this is half a slice of oreo cake from Kroger with 1/2 cup edys ice cream = 350 calories and SO WORTH IT!
I felt like I was in over eaters anonymous when i chatted with a friend about my extreme need/want/craving to go get the other half of my piece. I abstained, thanks MEGAN. This led to a discussion about having a little treat everyday versus a big treat every couple of days.
I am so in the big treat club. I do not do well with delayed satisfaction, it is something I work on and dare say have occasionally prayed about. I think it just is what it is.
I work out for 2 days in a row and expect to wake up looking like Nicole Ritchie...pre-baby, you know when she made anorexics look fat.
Back to the total for the day = 1980 calories but way too many carbs and not enough fruits or veggies.
Tomorrow night we are entertaining friends. I am making grilled Pennsylvania Chicken, german potato salad and watermelon. Guests are bringing dessert and deviled eggs. AND WE ARE PLAYING CARDS... I miss games, pre-baby we were like the super game people now, I can't remember the last time we played games with a group.
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