Friday, May 22, 2009

Groceries for the week

You can eat healthy on a budget. I search for manager specials, use coupons, and make meatless meals to cut our grocery bill. I also try to make things like muffins or bread from scratch. My biggest challenge is that I have to be very conscious of what I am buying so that I do not buy things that are unhealthy just because they are cheap... like all that white bread you have been seeing! it was on sale for less than a dollar a loaf. :(

This is what I bought for less than $50
Organic milk
organic spinach- manager special
5 Bertoli Mushroom sauce pouches (on sale for $1.01 and I had $1 off coupons!)
2 dozen eggs
light sour cream
lasagna noodles
strawberry ice cream mix :) (clearanced for $.17 each)
4 packages Smart Balance 50/50 blend ($1 after coupon)
orajel overnight fever blister patches- clearance
brown sugar
Kashi Waffles (free product coupon that I received in the mail from Kashi)
Kashi pizza (on sale for $3.99 and I had $3 off coupon)
cottage cheese
diapers (regular $12.99- on sale for $6.50 bc the package was ripped and then I had a $3 off coupon)
3 honey mustards ($.75 each after coupons)
snap peas
olive oil mayo ($1.40 after coupon)
red onion
salad ($1.50 after coupon)
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