I realize this flaw and I am working on it.
Today ummm I didnt do so good :)
1 egg + 2 whites
1/4 cup 2% cheese
= 300 calories
yes I really ate ice cream for lunch, naughty fatgirl.
this times 2
ice cream = 280
cookies = 150
Taco Salad for dinner
baked tortilla shell - 210
1/4 cup taco meat - 120 calories ??
1/8 cup 2% cheese - 45 calories
2 tb light sour cream - 40 calories
lettuce, spinach, onions tomatoes = 50 calories
Hubbys birthday cake! We have been together for a lot of his birthdays (ummm like 9) and this is the first real cake I think that I have made him. Usually he gets cheesecake but I had this idea for a cake and oooo it was soo good.
No I didnt eat the whole thing! but i was so excited that i umm forgot to take my picture. and i had a glass of whole milk. GASP! it was all we had (the one year old has to drink it :) and dude with cake u have to either have milk or ice cream. No. Exceptions.
This is a white cake with dark chocolate filling and peanut butter glaze. it involved a lot of standing and whisking over a hot stove but hubs was impressed.
My total for the day before cake and milk was 1195 so I think I am safe in the whole not going over 2000 calories category.
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