Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mommy diary

SO I stayed up til 10:30 making pink speckled rice crispy treats and putting them in cute little pink heart covered bags.

I went to bed feel like the mommy who had her shiz together.

Then this morning I overslept and just barely made it out the door on time.

again felt like I had my shiz together be we made it with all of his Valentines stuff and me a healthy lunch.

then i got to daycare 25.5 minutes later and went to get the kid out of the car and realized that I had forgot his shoes....

yes. no shoes.

So I stuff the kid back in his car seat and speed to walmart where kid sees the Valentines Cupcakes and screams at the top of his lungs "cupcake.. cupcake" all the way to the back of the store... the whole time I am trying to pick out a pair of non ugly toddler shoes that fit... all the way to the check out line and the whole car ride back to his daycare.

At which point he sees a ball and gets distracted...."momma... ball, mommma football"

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This week I worked from home 2 days because of the Arkansas Blizzard.

and I realized 2 things:

1. I could never work from home full time... way too many distractions.

2. I would be happier if I worked less days of the week.

If my PhD plan falls through I am going to find a contract position that will let me work 3 days a week because I miss my baby...and having time to do fun stuff...and be less busy.

PS. I am about to do something I thought I would never store bought cookies for the 2 year olds Valentines party at daycare tomorrow. because I am just too tired and have more work to do tonight.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Todays Yummys

Breakfast- homemade roasted red pepper hummus and carrot chips 150

Grilled chicken breast and cheese stick...did not eat the salad because I left my dressing at home :( 400 calories

Starving snack when I got home
PB&J on Arnolds Whole Wheat Thin - 250
Marshmellows and Mint Chocolate chips - 100
1/2 cup whole milk- 75

apple 100
arnold thin 100
1/2 small avocado 150
1/2 cup shredded chicken 100

plus an unpictured small banana 100

total 1525
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